- Apple-smoked uncured bacon
- Carolina barbecue
- Alaska Sockeye Salmon
- Smoked Sable
- Char
- Shad roe
- Peanut Butter
- Ossabaw Hogs
- Masa Harina
- California Avocadoes
- Florida Avocadoes
- Sand Dabs
Thanks to the list of Pro Chefs for suggested additions, especially David, who understood the concept implicitly.
So it’s back to Mediterranean rascasse, fraises des bois, Cavaillon melons, Roquefort, Bandol rosé, etc. etc. etc.

French bred Labradors? Oiy!
Tacos al pastor?
Actually, we are separated by 2.5 miles and a river. Nonetheless as Dan Hicks sang, “How can I miss you if you won’t (don’t?)go away?”
France has better Labs than the U.S., save two I know back there.
Hot dogs are shit and you know it, sesame seed buns or no. Oh yeah, let’s see, gee, if only the French had hot dogs with steamed sesame seed buns… then I’d never go home to see my friends who love me so much they shower me with affection and good will.
I see you have time on your hands. Why does this never happen when I’m 3.5 miles away, as opposed to 3500?
Can you say “tsk tsk” in French? It sounds something like “va t’en foutre”
Finally, I was holding back on what they do have over here. It’s too embarrassing, as well it should be. See the entry for today, June 13th.
Just like you to go to France and complain about what the French don’t have.
By the way,does France have Labrador retrievers, tacos al pastor or hot dogs with steamed sesame buns and so on?